The VET System Windows Version History List. The program continually goes through changes and updates on an almost daily basis. The text file is a list of the most recent changes that this program has gone through. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Version 2.25d 08-19-24 Fixed issue where Pharmacy Label Item Description field length was not the same size as the Inventory Description field length. This was causing the trailing ends of Inventory Items to be omitted when printing pharmacy labels. MAX Length is 40 Characters. Version 2.25c 04-02-24 Fixed Bug on Reports by Count by Profile by Category CClient error. Version 2.25b 09-11-23 Fixed Bug with Loading Held Invoices that included items with bottling charge #4. Prior, the 4th level bottling charge while being saved with the Held Invoice, when the Held Invoice was retrieved the 4th bottling charge was lost. Version 2.25a 07-27-23 Fixed Bug in Held Estimate Report, that triggered a form error when attempting to ESC back from the Estimate Report after viewing a particular Client's Estimates. Version 2.25 07-22-23 Fixed Bug in application which caused a Held Invoice to be removed after viewing from the Held Invoice Report. (Steele) Version 2.24e 06-29-23 Added function to limit Old Invoices to initially show 100 most recent. Selecting the Check box, will then allow ALL invoices to be viewed if necessary. Version 2.24d 06-12-23 Fixed an issue where the 4th bottling fee charge option was not calculating properly. < 5 not < 4. Blah Version 2.24c 04-15-23 Fixed Held Invoice and Held Estimates Report View to eliminate unsupported ability to edit Held Invoices and Estimates from these reports, by hiding non-functional features that were never designated to work from the onset. Editing Held Invoices and Estimates MUST be done by accessing them through the Client Patient Invoice form only. Version 2.24b 03-23-23 Fixed an issue with the 4 to a page reminders where the image box setup for AAHA for Steele was being interfered with by Microsoft's Office 365, cause it to foul up the view and layout of the reminder report. Changed the imagebox to an Active Reports Image display to correct this behavior. Simplicity Animal Hosptial was the first to report this, having new computers with Windows 11 recently installed. Version 2.24a 02-08-23 Added provision on Patient Information Report to alter the Field Headings for "Remind Date" for Reminder notices for STEELE AH. If the report detects "Steel" in the g_szHeaderLeft(0). It will sub the Header from "Remind Date" to "Notice Date". Version 2.24 12-20-22 Discovered an Issue with creating a New Departing Instruction where the new entry was rejected. This was due to extra coding from editing an existing Instruction being used where it was not needed. This issue has been repaired. Version 2.23c 05-12-22 Added BalPrompt Option to Edit Hospital Header form. This is a feature that enables a Prompt to Enter a Reason for creating a Client balance, or reason why Payment was not made at time of Invoice. After the Prompt, the Invoicing Action is paused, allowing the entry of information in the Note Field. Once the Note has been entered, selecting the Invoice button again, will complete the rest of the Invoice actions. Version 2.23b 05-12-22 Removed MORECHARGE Routine completely. Unnecessary. Version 2.23a 05-12-22 Removed Authorization Prompt to Add Note to Invoice. Unnecessary. Added Missing Format$ to frmInvoiceBilling.cmdEnd line 10. Added "MORECHARGE>0" to line 20 to properly trigger Prompt to enter Note for the Invoice because they charged to their Clinic account balance. Version 2.23 05-11-22 Finished creating LotNo support for Invenetory and Pharmacy Label printing. Lot numbers can now be saved for each Inventory Item in Inventory. Lot numbers may be included in Pharmacy Label printing as desired. If a Lot Number is already present for the Item, the LotNo field of the Pharmacy Label form will populate with this information. If a Lot Number is NOT present for the Item in Inventory, the LotNo field will be blank, and may be filled in with Information as desired. If the field is left blank, the pharmacy label will not include and/or will not print a LotNo field or information. It will be missing. If the LotNo is changed, either from blank to something, or something that was different from what appeared in the LotNo field, and a label is printed, a prompt will appear giving opportunity to update the Item in Inventory with the entered information as printed on the Pharmacy Label. Affected forms for this addition: frmLabelPrinter frmCategoryTable frmEditInventory frmInvoiceView clsVetInventoryItem modUpdate modVet VetUtilities was also modified NOTES: 05-07-22 Began Support of LotNo modified LabelPrinter, Edit Inventory, and InvoiceView forms Changed size of Directions area of Edit Inventory, and GREEN and PINK Bar Added LOTNO field to Edit Inventory HAVE NOT ADDED INLOTNO table creation to "UPDATEVETSYSTEM" procedure INITables created INLOTNO entry to be commissioned later. WORK IN PROGRESS Version 2.22 12-11-21 Modified Client Transation Report to Show Invoice Notes when an Invoice has been Voided, or Charged to Account. Also will show Notes if the optional Note was entered for a specific Invoice. From The Billing Form, if the New Balance is more than the previous balance it means additional monies are being Charged to the Client's account as unPaid services. When this occurs, AND the Optional Notes check box is not checked, (which is default), Pressing the END button to continue displays a message requiring a REASON for the Charge to be entered. It is still possible to ignore this, and leave the Note area blank. It is up to Company Policy to Enforce this option to follow established procedures. Version 2.20g 10-31-21 Changed, after Invoice selection, to RELOAD all Client information to eliminate Client Editing Errors that occur when editing a Client directly after an Invoice for the Client has been created. Version 2.20f 10-12-21 Added Direct Access to view Invoices and Estimates from the Held Invoice and Held Estimate Reports. If there are a LARGE number of Estimates or Held Invoices that need to be removed, because of age expiration, please contact support to resolve. Version 2.20e 10-12-21 Added Move/Merge Search Report Access to Report Extra, and All In One Reports Menu, as well as access from within System Utilities. Added 'HELP' Information button to the 'Select a Patient' form when Moving or Merging a Patient, to outline the process of Moving or Merging a Patient. Added Patient Select form to Estimates to clear up confusion. Version 2.20d 10-09-21 MoveMerge Search, Reporting is working. If table missing in Database, the Table is created. The Existing LOG file for Patient MoveMerge MUST BE MANUALLY input into the new Table in order to be used. There is an added Option in System Utilities Settings Page 3 That must be set, and in order to access the reports, search feature. Changed the Move/Merge Button to POPUP a Patient Select form to Select a Patient to Move/Merge. Moving a Patient is Easy to understand. Merging a Patient starts by Selecting the Patient you DO NOT WANT TO KEEP from the Client it currently is owned by, and then following the prompts to select the Client that has the Patient YOU WANT TO KEEP. Once the Keeper Patient is Selected, the Program will transfer ALL information from the Patient YOU DON'T WANT to the Patient YOU DO WANT. When completed, the Patient you DON'T WANT TO KEEP, is DELETED, to the DELETED PATIENTS. Version 2.20c 10-08-21 Got the Rough Draft of the MoveMerge Search Reporting Working. Need to fine tune some of the form, and alignments with clear instructions. Version 2.20b 10-08-21 Added Temporary g_MergeTable to keep program from attempting to save data to MoveMerge table that may not exist in particular clinics. Version 2.20a 10-07-21 Added Pending Sales Report Link to Pending Sales in Edit Inventory to facilitate easier tracking and maintenance. Version 2.20 10-06-21 Added Pending Sales Report Breakdown, to allow viewing Held Invoices and Estimates that have Product Pending Sale. Added Second Confirmation to Remove Held Invoice when reviewing Invoice via the Pending Sales Report links. Began MoveMerge Data Table Creating and Reporting. Version 2.10d 10-06-21 Removed SAVESETTINGS from frmEditPrinterCodes. Not needed. Removed Shouldsave and Me.Hide from frmEstimates.lvwClients_dblClick event. This was causing a Runtime Error of closing top most form to fire when the following line called the cmdEdit_Click event. Removed Missing Patient INVOICE from Estimate and replaced with Missing Patient Estimate when firing the Edit Estimates from frmClientPatient Version 2.10d 10-03-21 Modified Inventory ReOrder Report Header to better explain the two stage Report. Initial Report is Current Items below Minimums. Second stage includes Same as First Stage, and includes Items that would fall below Minimums should Pending Sales Occur. Version 2.10d 08-01-21 Added "Allow Negative Inventory Quantity" Pop up Prompt Option that was initially designed but never created. Added code to Standardize font throughout each of the forms. More to follow. Added code to Update Invoice Price when focus leaves qty. Version 2.10c 07-22-21 Removed UPDATE for Inventory Access Password. Not used! Version 2.10b 06-30-21 Fixed Bug in Client Search caused by Inventory Name Search addition created in 2.10a Version 2.10a 06-26-21 Added routine to Inventory Search by Name, to display the combined Price of a Compound Item, when Price has not been overridden. Prior to this change, Displayed Prices for Compound Items were shown in the Search Result table as $0.00. Version 2.10 06-22-21 Added 4th Bottling Charge Option to System Utilities for use in Inventory for the Definition and use in Inventory for recouping funds associated with the dispensing of Pharmacy Items. Discovered an issue where the Client Recordset was not closing properly during certain processes, such as after Invoice creation, or Deleting a Client. This generated a runtime error that cause the program to crash. Added code to Force Recordset to close to eliminate this problem. Version 2.09a 05-29-21 Fixed Cost Authorization of Edit Invoice where Items added to an invoice AT COST were not required to provide Employee Authroization. Now any items that are added to an Invoice AT or BELOW cost will require Employee Authorization, where prior, the item had to be BELOW Cost. Version 2.09 04-06-21 Fixed Tax evaluation for Compound Item Members to reflect 'Taxable' when a Compound Item Group is added to an Invoice AND one of it's members is a Taxable Item. Version 2.09 03-23-21 Program now allows viewing of Inventory Item Costs when browsing for Items to add to a Discounted Invoice by Authorized Staff Members. Authorized Staff Members only need Enter the appropriate credentials one time, instead of EVERY time when adding Items to an Invoice. If the Invoice is Held, then additional editing is required, the Authorized Staff Member(s) will again need to enter the credentials to do more changes, but only one time as long as they remain in that Invoice. If an Item is priced BELOW COST, an Employ MUST enter their personal Access Code for the Price to be approved and accepted, even if they have Authorization. Added REFRESH Listview for Compound Items to fix Font Display when more then 6 items added to Compound members and scroll bar appeared. Also Changed Font to Microsoft Sans Serif for Listview. Added REFRESH Listview for Invoice View to smooth listing of items. Version 2.08 03-04-21 Removed the License Sales Report Access from Client Print Options Don't even know why it was put there. First showed up in July 2012 Modified Inventory Password and changed it to ClearLogs Password Changed Use of CLEARLOGS Password to Print Billing Letters. ClearLogs Password was redundent and Not Needed. 3-08-21 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Version 2.08 03-03-21 Default Price of Item not showing when Item has been discounted on an Invoice. This error occurred when Item quantity was more than 1. Fixed an issue that could have allowed staff members to sell an item for less than Cost without having their Employee ID attached to the Authorization of the Invoiced Price. Adjusted the timing of Price Calculation to occur then Price Field has focus, when adding or editing a Item on an Invoice. Added 'Patient Count' and 'Old Invoice Count' to Client Patient screen when there are more than 7 of either, to give the user an indication. Version 2.07 03-01-21 Added Password Option to Inventory Access. Set through System Utilities Settings Page 2 Change Passwords Versino 2.07 02-17-21 Added 'Tax' column to Invoice View as Items are added to an Invoice. If the item is Taxable, the letter, 't' will appear to the right of the Invoice Price to indicate the item will be included in the Tax calculation. Changed Zero Price indicator from 'N/C' to '**' when an item was added to an Invoice with a 0.00 Price amount. This was changed to match what the Client sees on the printed Invoice. Version 2.07 02-15-21 Corrected Many forms and Reports to accurately display some data that was in question. Prior to Version 2.07, it was discovered that Taxable Items were being Taxed individually, rather than collectively on each Invoice. As a result of this behavior, Tax amounts were not being calculated properly. Many of the reports and Invoicing itself had to be modified accordingly to correct this action. While these changes have been made, it does cause another issue to occur, where older Invoices that were created with The VET System Version prior to 2.07, will show minor incorrect values related to Taxable Items and Taxable Sales Tax reportings. This behavior is unavoidable due to the nature in how these calculations were made prior and how they're done now. The differences are usually no more than a penny per Invoice. But there are circumstances where the difference may be a bit more, depending upon how many taxable items exist on a given Invoice. Version 2.06a 02-03-21 Modified ReturnUserRoster to Display ALL Open connections on one message box. Also updated ABUP and CompactReIndex to log events when more than one connection has been detected. Version 2.06 01-24-21 Added Multi Copy Support for { } Documents for Departing Instructions / Forms at Invoice Time. This support is limited to Departing Instructions defined in Curly Brackets for file names. Version 2.05b1 01-18-2021 Changed Patient Count and Old Invoice Count to only display number of each when more than 9. Added Code to Prevent Logging of Move Patient, when Process is cancelled. Version 2.05b 12-07-2020 When accessing the Inventory, a check is performed to determine If Inventory has changed. Inventory is Reloaded with current data if it has. Added Number of Patients count to end of "Patient Information" text on Client Patient screen. Added Number of Old Invoices on file for a Client when showing Old Invoices on Client Patient screen. Version 2.05a 09-30-2020 CompactError log link in ABOUT form pointing to correct file. Version 2.05a 07-12-2020 Replaced abup.exe with CompactReIndex.exe. This utility can perform the Normal Backups automated, AND provide a method of maintaining the database by evaluating and conducting ReIndexing operations when needed. Added Utilities to view Logs from About Form. Version 2.05 05-30-2020 Added 'PROVIDER' to Call Back fields list. This field is used to enter a Staff Member's Name, a Doctor's Name, or Department to provide additional information about the Call Back. Added 'DATE CREATED' to Call Back fields list. This field contains the DATE that the Call Back was created. It is NOT editable and can not be changed. It is provided for administrators to know WHEN a particular Call Back was generated. When ever a NEW Call Back is created, this field is populated with the Then Current Date. Call Backs may be Sorted by Any of the columns, in Ascending or Descending Order to arrange the data as desired. Once the data is sorted as requested pressing the Print button will allow you to select a Date Range, or just Print All Records, Sorted as viewed on the Report. The Header Portion of the Report will display a Summary of the Report characteristics. IE: By Date, Date Range, Sorted Column, etc... Version 2.05 05-16-2020 Completely overhauled Call Back and Vendor Editing forms. Replace all Text fields with ability to format text depending upon type of data, ie: Date, Phone, Time, etc. Allow Notes Fields to accept Line Breaks, by using the CTRL/Enter key combination. Increased the Size of Notes content to at least 240 characters. Added button on Client/Patient screen to View Call Backs on file for the currently viewed Client. If none exist, a prompt will appear that says so. Otherwise a list of the Call Backs for this Client will be displayed to Select and Edit, Delete, or Create a new entry. Phone, Date, Time fields are formatted so that user will only need type in corresponding values. AM_PM will ONLY accept the letter 'A' or 'P' as valid entries You may optionally use Military Time in the Time Entry Work Phone and Vendor Phone numbers will only accept valid Numerical charcters Home and Cell Phone fields will accept Alpha and Numerical characters. At times, OLD existing Phone Numbers do not populate the Phone Number fields as they should and are left blank. This issue is currently being investigated. Verify the Phone Fields have the numbers required, by checking the entries with the viewable form behind the Edit Form, prior to saving. Modified Options Settings Page 4 Email Settings to Save Password, or leave it blank. Modified Inventory Print Options to Clearly define options for printing "Inventory" and "Service Sheet". Each have their own options and separate 'Print' buttons. Modified Productivity Options Form to Mask Dates similar to Edit Call Backs. Moved Tool Bar control Buttons for Word Processor Field options to top to be accessible, where prior they had become hidden, or moved to the bottom of the Tool Bar. A Reminder: There is an Option on Settings Page 2 to "View NO PRINT Reminder" on Client Screen. If not checked, the "NO PRINT Reminder" option check box is hidden from the Client Edit Reminder Screen. It is AlWAYS visible in the EDIT DUE Reminders area. Redesigned CALL BACK Print Out. Provided space for written notes for Caller. (Not included in VET.exe with Production date: 05/16/2020 10:57PM) Increased Last Payment, and Last Visit Date Fields from 1000 to 1100 width on Client / Patient form. During Installation, there is now an Option to create a Scheduled Task that will Force The VET System and Time Clock applications to close at 8:00PM each day. This is designed for those clinics who have issues with Staff members leaving The VET System running after close of business, AND that the Clinic has an Automatic Backup Routine scheduled to run after hours. Backups will typically fail if The VET System is running on any of the Clinic computers when the backup commences. IF a Schduled Task exists on a machine that forces The VET System to close at 8:00pm each night, there is a script file that may be run that will remove this scheduled task from the computer. The file is located in the VETSTASH folder and is named, 'KillVetTaskRemove.bat'. Double click the file, and the task will be removed. Formatted Patient Weight Date field like Call Back and Vendors. Version 2.04p 05-08-2020 Modified Client Call Backs Editing so that Line Breaks can be used to Separate Paragraphs, in NOTES area of VENDOR EDIT and PET NOTES in Call Back Edit. The MAX characters is still 240 Characters. Use the "CTRL and ENTER" key combination within the NOTES to create a line break to move the cursor to create a New Line. 05-07-2020 Changed Call Back Fields to plain Text Boxes, and removing scroll bars that were a distraction. 05-07-2020 Commented out an obsolete EDIT function in CategoryTable for item processing. (This note is for me, rather than for you...) Version 2.04o 04-29-2020 Invoice Item default 'each' price was being saved as a calculated total rather than an Each price as it should be. Version 2.04n 11-27-2019 Increased Hospital Header field height sizes on 4 to a page reminder card stock. 11-13-2019 Moved Comment Text for Health Certificate below heading. On some printers, the text entered for this area would overlap the field description text. 09-06-2019 Modified Call Back Edit form, and Call Back Report. Call Back Edit form now includes more space to type Comments. Call Back Report Includes Cell Phone and additional space for comments to view. 08-30-2019 Added option for IMMUNO ADERM Version 2.04m 08-26-2019 Corrected Invoice Discounted displays when Item price paid was less than Retail. Far right column displayed incorectly. Version 2.04l 08-23-2019 Updated MDB tool in Data Folder. 08-02-2019 Added Header Text on Expired Inventory Report to include the Date selected for the Report. Report clarified stating On or Before Date Selected. 08-02-2019 Added CASH / CHECK total feild to End of Period and Sales Tax Reports. Version 2.04k 06-30-2019 Added Invoice Cost Catch which forces Employees to enter their employee Access ID when they adjust the price of an Item lower than it's Inventory Cost. Added Cost Log View and Cost Logging Option System Utilities Settings Page 3 Version 2.04j 06-19-2019 Changed order of Client Edit variables to match default in hopes of fixing occasional Runtime Error on Client Comments. 06-18-2019 Redesigned Item Sales Report to promote better processing when performing Searches with multiple single items that are separated by commas. Must add TSALES Table to Vet.mdb prior to use. Version 2.04i 06-05-2019 Added Auto Close of VET System at 8:00PM 06-04-2019 Modified Time Clock, see Time Clock Notes. Added "Loading..." message When viewing Old Invoices. Modified the OLD Invoice loading to show Table, instead of just a frame, when loading a large number of Old Invoices. Added Header to state: LOADING... to be visible so that the program does not appear to be locked up. 05-01-2019 Increased the Size of Estimate Date Fields to fit Date and Time. 04-27-2019 Completely revamped the Florida Health Certificate to match the 01/2018 Release Revision. Added Hospital Email, Doctor Accreditation Number support and Alternate Breeder information fields. Redesigned form and reworded certain texts that have changed on the form. Added Doctor Accreditation Field to Doctor Information within The VET System. Version 2.04h 04-20-2019 Cleaned up Source Code on Soap Browse, and SOAP Forms DEFAULT changed to 'HIDE' Deleted SOAPS from Browse View. Added "SHOW DELETED" checkbox to Soap Browse Form Added Pre-Print on SOAP Form Added TABs to Break up the SOAP Input fields for easier use. Added Character Counter to Objectives fields to indicate how many letters have been used, and how many remain available along with a reminder that the Maximum is 250 characters. Fixed Bug when Printing a SOAP generated Runtime Error 13. Respiratory is MIS-SPELLED in the 1st Record of the SC_SOAPS table. Fixed issue where ZIP code was triggering an Error when updating. 5 instead of 12. When above error occured, caused Unexpected error when exiting Client Patient form, RT 3219. Double negative logical error, NOT(rs is nothing). If a Patient being edited did not have a DOB, the program would use the last Saved DOB used to fill in when clicking the DOB Calendar on the Patient Edit form. NOW the program will always load the Current Date, IF the Patient record has no saved or existing DOB. Version 2.04h 04-18-2019 Redesigned the SOAP interface to allow for easier inputting of data. Spell Check has been set to Check Active Text Fields instead of processing the entire document at once. This process takes less time to work with. Version 2.04h 04-13-2019 Modified SOAP to Single Page No Scrolling, and added ability to Pre-Veiw the form and Print form WITHOUT commiting it to a Permenent Record. Version 2.04h 04-10-2019 Repaired an Issue with the Client Count Reports where Distinct Patient Generated a RunTime Error in the Report. Modified Report so that Client Counts have option to count Distinct Patients based on Profile, instead of just Clients the match the Profile selected. Version 2.04g 04-04-2019 Discovered and repaired a bug in the Compound Items when moving Item Members up or down in the list displayed. If an Item was moved up for example, Every column of that item moved up, EXCEPT for it's Cost. This has been taken care of. Please Note: Compounded Item Prices do NOT change when price increases for individual Items have been made. Example: Rabies Vaccine 1414 Price Increased from $10 to $20. The Inventory Item number 1414 has been updated and saved with the new price. Exam w/ Vaccines 1200 is a Compound Item that includes item 1414, and has a $8 price set for it. This price will be untouched and/or unchanged because it was set as a group, and often discounts are applied for grouping. If the price was adjusted in the compound item, the pricing structure would no longer provide the discounted amounts for services and/or products. Version 2.04f 03-20-2019 Option to include Practice Logo on Hospital Headers on Documents when include Hospital Headers. For Image to appear, Option for Image on Documents must be selected, AND Document also must contain {Header} key code within document. Version 2.04e 03-05-2019 Expired Inventory Report was not retaining last valid calendar date selection when report was run as all other reports do. Version 2.04e 03-02-2019 Changed Top 25 Client and Items Sales report to include options to 'Top Client and Sales Report' which now allows a selection of Top 10, Top 25, Top 50, or Top 100. This Report can help the Clinic anaylize where their revenue is best generated from, and where price adjustments or marketing changes may be beneficial. Version 2.04d 02-18-2019 Added Referral Option for Mailing Lists and Print by Profile Version 2.04c 01-30-2019 Added Client First Name to sorting order of All Reminder associated Print results. Version 2.04b 01-28-2019 Added LotNo support for Pharmacy Label Printing. It is a manual process, and does NOT retain any information typed. It also does not update or interact with the Inventory at this time. Version 2.04b 01-22-2019 Forced Word Processor to Open chosen file to edit in WordPad. This prevents unwanted Formatting differences between newer versions of MS Word or other applications used for editing the files. Version 2.04a 01-11-2019 Format Dates on Rabies Certificate to be consistent. Version 2.04a 12-13-2018 Added support option that will allow the inclusion or exclusion of the Client's Last name as part of the Patient Name A CheckBox at the bottom of the Pharmacy Label Print form has been added. Unchecking the box, will remove the Client's Last name from the Patient Name on the Label. The VET System will remember the selection from the previously printed Pharmacy Label, so it will Normally not have to be set each time. Version 2.04 12-01-2018 Added support to the Pharmacy Label printing to Include The Client's Name. On the Pharmacy Label, Fields are defined that will populate with information associated with the Field's Name. Here are the Reserved Names available for information. HEADER_CENTER = Optional Hospital Header information to print on top of label. CLIENTNAME = Client Name, which will be displayed via First Name Last Name. PATIENT = Patient Name as it exists in the Patient Record ADDRESS = The Street Address of the Client. It does not contain the City, St, nor Zip Code RX = The name of the Item being Prescribed, as it exists in the Inventory QUANTITY = The number or measured amount being prescribed UNITS = The Measured scale, 'Each', 'CC', 'Tablet', 'Grams', etc... EXPIRE = The Expiration Date, (if desired to be included on the Printed Label) If the Expiration Date is left Blank, this is omitted. TYPE = Is the SPECIES of the Patient. Ie: "CA" or "K9" for Dog, "FE" for Kitty, etc... BREED = The Patients Breed can also be included, by simply having a Field named, "BREED" on the label. DIRECTIONS = Exists on all Pharmacy labels due to it always being a required element DOCTOR = This is the Prescribing Doctor / Department assigned to the Item be dispensed. DATE = The Date that Label is printed EMP = The Employee number of the Employee generating the label. PHARMNO = Is a Date / Time stamp identifying when the Label was generated. It can be used as a Prescription number because it is unique.