Time Clock Changes Version 2.06i Removed "Duplicate Warning" from Check Number field. Version 2.06h Unhide Check Number. Version 2.06h Removed Check Number requirement. Changed Check Amount to Time Hours for Pay Period Version 2.06g Added Option to use a Previously used Check Number for Pay Version 2.06g Added Right Click of Employee to view Time Report. Employee must enter ID to access. Access limited to Employee only. Version 2.06f Added Provision to Allow Exclusion of Inactive Employees from PayRoll Reports of ALL. Any Employee that has a current status of Inactive, will not be included on any Payroll Reports for Time. Version 2.06e Removed Page Number of Total Pages from Payroll Stubs Version 2.06d Added "Show InActive" Employees to Edit Time and Pay Roll cbxEmployee drop downs. So even if an Employee is InActive The Staff member has the option of displaying an Employee without having to Edit the Employee to make them Active to Show Information, or Enter Information while they are InActive. Version 2.06c Now loads ALL Employees to select from, Inactive or Active 4-14-2023 For creating Check Entries for Employees, and also supports ability to View Payments previously made, even if Employee no longer Active, or Employeed by the company. Version 2.06b Addedd option to create additional Pay Record EVEN if it 3-27-2023 overlaps previously created records. This was done to aid in creating entries when pay 'days or hours' were not done correctly and additional payments were needed. Version 2.06a Removed the CBX Employee from PayDay form, and instead 3-19-2023 passed Employee selected from TimePay form to the PayDay form. Bug in Search for previous Payments within a date range. If pay period is between 3-1 and say 3-15 and a pay record exists for 2-28 and 3-7, it won't find it. The date comparisons are, >= and <= respectively comparing ST and ED dates. To check for past payments, pick 30 days in history beyond the date range anticipated. Likewise, pick a date in the future to be certain you get enough records. Version 2.06 Added PayRoll Check Records to be entered and maintained. 3-14-2023 No Report Exists just yet, but the display will show all recorded Checks paid by Period Entered. Still Subject to error or fat fingering. Version 2.05 Added Employee Times Update every 60 seconds, will refresh 01-18-2023 the displayed times to reflect the current database times records, to cover actions made on other computers for the Time Clock application. Added Time Refresh by clicking the Face of the Clock, will update the current times punched in the display. Version 2.04 Add then Removed Payroll features that were being developed 12-16-22 Version 2.03 Added feature to Prevent NON-ACTIVE Employees from 06-04-2019 Clocking In or Out. A NON-ACTIVE Employee will generate a Notice on the Screen preventing them from using the Time Clock, and Instructed to see an Administrator. Version 2.02 Formatted Hours Changed on Time Change Audit Report Version 2.01 Added Hospital Header to Employee Time Card Reports Version 2.0 Redesigned appearance to be more in line with later releases of the Windows OS Version 1.20g Minor Internal change. 05-04-16 Version 1.20g Database Path will now update to correct location when DB Path is Saved within The VET System. Version 1.20f Added ability to define a NEW Employee as a Doctor 08-27-14 which will create their Unique EmpNo as the next available negative Number. To Make a New Employee Doctor, simply Check the check box, "Is Doctor?" located near the SAVE button, on the Employee Add/Edit Form. Version 1.20f Added WARNING MESSAGE to Deleting an Employee. 08-27-14 DELETING AN EMPLOYEE ENTRY should ALWAYS be limited to an Employee that has NO TIME RECORDS!! Rather than Deleting and Employee, it is highly recommended to make an Employee INACTIVE. This will retain their Times and Worked Days for future reference. Version 1.20e Added ability to Print Audit change report by Employee. Able to narror report to a specific Employee for review. Version 1.20d Added OPTIONS Menu and form for changing Clock Image, Colors of Clock Hands, and Digital Text Color. Removed Checkbox options from Main form and placed them in Options form. To Access Options, user must be logged on as ADMINISTRATOR Then select the Options from the Action Menu or, press the Letter 'O' key on the keyboard. Version 1.20d Added support to allow 174 x 206 pixel image for clock Background image. The image can be in the form of a Jpg, bmp, or gif files. You can use larger files which will be reduced to fit the image box, but it may have adverse effects. There are several Sample Images that may be used and located in The VET System Data\ClockImages folder. Version 1.20c If Time Clock already running, Only allow one instance of the Time Clock to Run. Notify user, to use the one running in the Task Bar. Version 1.20c Centered Employee Time Report. Version 1.20c Changed CLOCK IN TEXT to Magenta. CLOCK OUT is GREEN. Version 1.20c Merged ELD and TIMEX together to make one app. If ELD, Version Orange. Version 1.20c Made Login Logout Large View to assist employees in indentifying whether they have just clocked in, or out. Version 1.20b Added Employee Time Access to allow Employees to get a report of their times on record from the Time Clock. Employee MUST ENTER THEIR ACCESS code to get to this information. They are then, ONLY to have access to their information only. To Access this feature, the Employee has to DOUBLE CLICK the right portion of the Times Display area, then enter their access code when prompted. They can then pick a date range, and the times will generate a report that they can pre-view, and print if within Hospital Policy. Version 1.20b If Employee Record List was empty, and the user pressed 7-30-11 Delete, or Edit, a runtime error 91 would be generated. Pressing one of these functions checks for contents of the list view now, and if nothing exists, the program will notify the user that nothing is there. Version 1.20b Added Pre-defined Date parameter drop down for date range 7-17-11 selection. Today, Yesterday, Last week, etc. now provided. Version 1.20a Changed Calendar used to select Dates. Better functionality. 5-17-11 Version 1.20 Found error in program loading that would cause the program to 8-20-10 lock up at startup. This has been corrected by removing the Alter LAST_CHECK field to Memo code. Version 1.20 Changed Clock In/Out to Punch Time. Eliminates confusion with 8-16-10 selecting the wrong button to Clock in or Out. Confirmation screen when punch has been accepted now states in LARGE GREEN letters, Status of either "IN" or "OUT". Version 1.20 Added more error handling to the application in hopes of tracking 8-16-10 down some minor issues. Version 1.10t1 Changed MSADO28.tlb reference to MSADO25.tlb. This concurs with the Vet.exe program. Also, MSADODC.OCX is not used in The Time Clock application. Version 1.10t Added New Error Log file to be located in DataPath Folder. Will 7-14-10 include error message, code, and computer that generated error. This should help to identify troubles and create solutions to resolve issues in the future. Version 1.10a Changed ADO reference DAO351 to DAO360 in an attempt to fix Program error at start up. MSJET4.0. Version 1.10a Re-enabled the ability to DELETE a Time Record as per Popular demand. Version 1.10a Modified Time Audit Report to include Deleted Time Records if they exist, along with reasons as with other Time editing. Version 1.10 Created Time Audit Report for Time Clock Time adjustments. 2-19-10 Version 1.10 Added Time Clock editing accountability. User responsible 2-13-10 for changing the Times MUST enter an Authorization code to complete the process. All changes prior to, and changed values are stored for future reference. Version 1.10 Added an Employee Information print out. Also changed the 2-09-10 Employee comments text to Memo field to allow for more than 250 characters of text. Added SQL to modify at Prog Start. Version 1.09 Added ability to hide Display times to prevent employees from looking at other's times. Gateway. Version 1.08b Fixed Bug found by NICHOLE where minimizing Print Pre-View 5-09-09 caused a Runtime Error 380. HURRAY NICHOLE!!! Version 1.08 Added Month Next, and Month Previous buttons to top of Calendar 3-26-09 form for added functionality. Version 1.08 Changed Calendar selection date range procedure. Eliminated 3-21-09 second Calendar button, and combined Two calendars on one form for selecting the Starting, and Ending Dates. This will make it much easier to select the date range using the Calendar. Version 1.08 Allowed manual entry of Dates in a ??/??/???? or ??/??/?? or 3-21-09 ??-??-?? or ??-??-???? formating. Also changed the way Time records fill the Listview, so that they refresh more often. Version 1.07a 02-17-09 Limited size of Emergency Contact Phone number to 13 characters. If user imput more than 13 characters, Time application would generate a runtime error causing program to halt. Version 1.07 01-19-09 Added Employee Comment field, and Rehire Option to Employee Add/Edit form. 12-05-08 If Employee Rate of Pay was left blank, Summary Time Report would fail. Added error handler to correct this issue. Also, if Rate of Pay is left blank, it will default to ZERO in the Employee Data Record. 10-21-08 Increased the size of the Employee field on Time Card Report to allow for 4 digits 10-21-08 Added Calculation for Payroll on Time Card Summary Report 8-26-08 Edit Employee Times will only bring up Active Employees 8-22-08 Added Employee Cell Phone to Edit / Add form 8-22-08 Added ability to display Active or Inactive Employees or both. 7-25-08 Last Name First Name for Time Card Reports sorting. 5-17-08 Changed Calendar to display first day of the Week as Sunday. 5-14-08 Added ESCAPE key function to back out of Report prior to Print. 5-14-08 Added sort by Last Name, or by Employee Number for Employee Information Printout. 5-14-08 Added Sort by Last Name, or by Employee Number for Time Reports. 5-13-08 Changed display for Employees to be First Name Last Name by Last name on Edit Times. 4-15-08 Issuse not printing Inactive Employees. Added, SetRecordSet to Report and set accordingly. Added Field and display for Active and Inactive to show if "show" Inactive has been selected from Employee Print Options. 4-8-08 Fixed Report Header for Date Range to print on Time Card Reports, and Summary. 4-7-08 Formatted Time in Reports to 0.000 as requested by Gateway Animal Hospital for more accurate time reports. 3-7-08 Added a Summary report for Printing Employee Time TOTALS Changed TimeCard Reports form to Include a Summary Sellection. Selecting Summary will disable all other Print Options, and set Employee combo box to ALL. Fixed Sorting order for Times on Time Cards. Sorts Ascending by Date and Time, in Hour Order. 1-09-08 Changed page numbers to count properly Only Active Employees Times are Printed on Reports Provided an Option to Print Inactive Employee Information if required for Employee Records (Not Times) To Print INACTIVE Employee times, for a period when they were active, it is necessary to first set the Employee to Active within the Employee Records Edit area. Added Date of Termination for Employee