The VET System Trouble Shooter Version History List. The program continually goes through changes and updates on an almost daily basis. The text file is a running list of all the changes that this program has gone through. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Version 2.07 05-12-22 Added Support for Balance Prompt at Invoice Time Version 2.06 05-11-22 Added Support to create LotNo field for Inventory Items Version 2.05 10-09-21 Added Check and Creation of MOVEMERGE table in VET.MDB If the table does not exist, it is created. Version 2.04 06-22-21 Added Prevision to Modify Network Table to include support for 4th Bottling Charge added to Program Options Version 2.03 03-05-21 Changed Inventory to ClearLogs Password Check / Creation to Update Version 2.03 03-01-21 Added Inventory Password Check / Creation to Update Version 2.02 01-24-21 Added Multi Copy Support for { } Documents for Departing Instructions / Forms at Invoice Time. This support is limited to Departing Instructions defined in Curly Brackets for file names. Version 2.01b 07-13-20 Corrected Table mods for Client, ZClient, and TClient Zip Code sizing Version 2.01a 05-30-20 Added Database modification to create 'Provider' column for Call Back List. Size 20 Characters Added Database modification to create 'Date Created' column for Call Back List. Version 2.01 05-16-20 Added Database modification to increase the size of Vendor and Call Back Note Fields to support additional characters. Max size is now 250. Version 2.0c 04-27-19 Added Doc Accreditation Field to Doctor Information table. Version 2.0b 04-23-19 Change size of Client Zip code from 5 to 12 Characters and allow for TEXT as well as NUMBERS for Canadian Post Version 2.0a 02-19-19 Added Utility to remove Referral Text from Client data that had spaces in the beginning and/or end and Special Characters or strings that were either, '0 or 00 or \ or \\ or ? or ?? or .' for now. Any others will need to be manually edited at this time Version 2.0 03-31-18 Added ICost to Data Structure Check / Creation Version 2.0 06-22-16 Redesigned appearance to be more in line with later releases of the Windows OS Version 1.20 05-05-16 Added Functionality to support Checking for Reminder Print Conflicts Will Create a Notepad List of Patient Numbers that have Conflicting Reminder Settings Added F1 HELP support Button for Key Access to Utility Features. Added Hidden ability to change path to data for internal usage. Version 1.10n 05-04-16 Added ResetReminderPrint Password Added Database Mod for Database String 50 Version 1.10m 03-27-15 Increased the size of the Patient Name field from 12 characters, to 30. ASHLEY WEST Version 1.10m 03-27-15 Added Department Sort Order to allow Departments to be displayed in either Name, or Dept # order when editing/ adding Items to an Invoice. Version 1.10m 03/21/15 Added Active/Inactive to Departments, so that Inactive departments are not displayed at invoice time. Version 1.10l 02/05/14 Modified Index Creation to improve Reporting functions Version 1.10k 01-07-14 Fixed issue with Price Increases. It was possible that saved original values could be lost in the event it was necessary to recover Inventory due to incorrect Pricing. Pharmacy Directions were directly affected and not backed up during the copy process due to the increased size of the field size for Pharmacy directions. Version 1.10j 08-25-14 Modified CALL Table, ADDED column CELL PHONE Modified Remind and Remind_Old DROPPED RSEQ Modified Remind and Remind_Old Added RPRINT Created, REMIND_TEMP for Last Remind List Version 1.10i 08-18-14 Added Database Modifications to support Check# and Invoice Note Fields. Version 1.10h 07-22-14 Option added to REMOVE EXPIRATION DATES from Inventory Items. Choice has been added to REMOVE ONLY EXPIRATED DATES, or ALL DATES. Version 1.10g 04-28-13 Added changes to check for database structure to include optional Estimates for Patients, Patient Weight Unit, Generic Reminders, and By Profile Birth Month. Version 1.10f 02-12-13 Changed Connection modules to conform to new data path location syntax as appears in The VET System application Version 1.10f 02-06-2012 Removed automatic penny correction calculations from Client Balance Check utility. The utility is designed to provide a report at the end to indicate potential issues that need attention. The user should use this report to do a detailed audit of the Client reported, to compare against the Client Financial Report available from the Client Print Options menu. Using these two features will assist the administrator in applying the correct solution to eliminate the listed issue. Version 1.10e 11-09-2011 Added Normalize Email Function to replace special character strings or string substitutions and trim Email address of beginning or trailing spaces. Version 1.10e 10-25-2011 Redesigned Compact and ReIndex to streamline the Database Indexes Version 1.10d 09-30-2011 Modified Update process to be sure data struction and design is compliant with current version. Version 1.10c 08-06-2011 Added Database correction to include fields to support new ESTIMATE functions for the program. Version 1.10b 08-04-2011 Removed TTCLIENT references, and added support to check data structure for Estimate and Held Invoice funtionality. Version 1.10a 05-16-2011 Change size of Remind_Old Remind table to 250 to store Reminders 05-26-2011 Added Utility to remove Held Invoice Items for Patients that have been deleted at some point. Some held Invoice records were found belonging to Patients that were no longer assigned to a Client. Version 1.10 02-08-2011 Passwords are now obsured by the "*" character to aid in keeping passwords confidential. DataPath formatting was changed to improve support assistance. Password Reminder added to help administrators. Version 1.09 08-06-2010 Added Client Edit Utility option that can allow an administrator to change Client Balance, and Edit various dates associated with the Client. ie: LastPay, LastBill, Update, FirstVisit, Visit. Version 1.08 06-08-2010 Added Network Table Mod for FeeWave feild for Waving Billing Fee if a Payment on Account was received within the Billing Interval Period, if set. Version 1.07b 05-16-2010 Added Network Table Mod for HeldMulti feild for Single or Multiple Held Invoices. Version 1.07a 03-30-2010 Added comments to Table Modifications internally. Modify PHELDINV from Logical to Numeric Int. Version 1.07 02-21-2010 Moved Data Program updates from Vet Startup to Utility Program. 1) Increase Street field on Client, ZClient, TClient and TTClient 2) Moved Show Balance Modification to Network tbl 3) Increased Size of DR. License Field in Depts tbl 4) TModify for Time Clock still in Time Clock Start Version 1.06 09-10-2009 Added Inventory Price Increase Utility Version 1.04a 03-02-2009 Added Last Visit, and First Invoice Date to Report to assist in making a decision on correction method. Version 1.04 02-26-2009 Modify NETWORK table so Default Area code could be set to blank if desired. Version 1.03 02/20/2009 Modify TREMIND RREMIND field to 250 from 40 to support printing Departing Instructions on Invoices properly. Version 1.03 02/17/2009 Added Network field for SHOWBALANCE option support for invoice reprints. Version 1.02 02/12/2009 Added ability to press ESC to Stop the processing of Client information while checking Client Balances against Invoice records. Version 1.02 02/10/2009 Added error handler if there are no records to begin Balance Check. Version 1.01 02/03/2009 Added a Client Invoice Balance Check Utility to allow the user to check Client balances against the Invoices to determine if they are correct. Version 1.00 02/01/2009 Initial Release Ability to correct Inventory issues that prevent updating. Ability to correct Order issues that prevent updating. Ability to correct data base structure errors if they exist Ability to Compact and Repair the database Ability to Reindex the complete database Ability to remove all Expiration Dates from Inventory Items.